

News – CUB wins a Scottish case for Gary and his family


How to deal with a difficult employer

14 October 2015


UK employers must co-operate when legitimate employees request the official paperwork needed to bring their families to the UK. Or they risk facing China-UK Bridge’s (CUB) very determined staff!

Take the case of Gary Wu. Gary is a British Chinese citizen who naturalised through his working visa. Now, he wanted to bring his wife and daughter to the UK. The new Immigration Rule stipulates that for their visa application to succeed, he needed to prove continuing employment for the previous six months, with an annual salary of more than £21,000. To meet this requirement, he joined an Edinburgh restaurant in December 2014. So far, so good.

But then the difficulties started. His employers refused to give him an essential reference letter, plus payslips for six months. The reason given? They claimed that he was transferred to a different restaurant in Ayr three months earlier. Although the name and the owner are the same, they are two separated companies.

Gary was incensed! He knew both restaurants were owned and run by a single management. Needing legal help, he asked the team at China-UK Bridge (CUB) to fight his case. We soon realised that he was on the same payroll system at both workplaces. When this evidence was put to Gary’s employers, they confirmed that the same account reference had been used in both cases.

Gary got his letter, and after a successful visa application, his family moved to their new life in Scotland in August 2015. Their huge thank-you card now has pride of place in the CUB office!

For more information on how China-UK’s professional team can resolve your own unique problems, please contact us directly on tel 0844 544 3733, or via general@chinaukbridge.com. We are here to help you in total confidence.


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